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Creating wind


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I want to create my own wind tool for use in my pop networks that uses some different noises or allows me to multiply noises together or subtract, etc. I can add to the velocity of the particles and change their direction but I have no idea how to make the noise effect them like the default wind tool does. It seem to be attracting the particles where the noise is 1 and repelling where it is 0. How do you do that? Any help would be appreciated!


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You can create your own VOPPOP and plug the output of your noise composition into accel.

If you plug it into v somehow subsequent modifiers like windPOP wont affect your particles anymore.

An example is also in one of oldschool's hip files in this thread: http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?showtopic=7828&hl=

Hope this helps,


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When I do that, it simply makes the particles speed up in the noise. I want their directions to change based on it like the normal wind popsop does. Plugging the noise directly into the acceleration only changes one direction. They have random additional accelerations but it only goes in one direction, if that makes sense... I want a more randomized direction to it using my custom noise as the base for it.


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