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Incandescence in vops?


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Im trying to learn how to create shaders in vops, and im wondering how can i create Incandescence input (like in maya) on my shader. I need this cause I wanna create a lava shader! :D

Also wondering if there is a smart way to connect my color output from my vop_vex_surface_SHOP into a vop_vex_displacement_SHOP?

Thanks! :)

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Hey There

I would definately start by looking into the lava shader thats distributed with houdini under ur materials palette.

You can view the contents of that shader under SHOPS by basically going inside the lava shader, then inside lavaSurface, and basically deconstruct that.

In as far as connecting shaders to each other, when rendering, ur displacement shaders are run before ur surface shaders,

so ur head space needs to be the other way around, and fortunately theres an example of this in the lava shader shipped with houdini - the displacement shader sends the surface shader information.

Inside the Surface VOP you'll find a "Import displacement Variable VOP" to do this.

Hope this helps

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Thanks for the fast reply!

Im trying to understand everything thats going on in the lavashader that ships with houdini. But theres alot of stuff going on in there! Guess I just have to look more into it :)

Kinda looking for a way to add a extra input on the lambert that could be Incandescence just like the ambient input.

But i think i understand the displacement workflow now! So thanks again!

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