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Waveform trouble - doesnt work

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Hi, I'm having a trouble... the waveform deform is not working. I already "re-install" houdini, and still having the same trouble... I dont know what can be happening...

Houdini 9.5.241

Windows XP sp2

AMD 64 X2 4600+, 2GB RAM

mmm... Python 2.5.2 and 2.6 installed (for blender)

mmm... i dont know what else can i descript about my computer, I have an environment setting "PYTHONPATH c:\python25..." and nothing more...

The console says:

"Usage: vcc [Options] [input_file]





-h Shows this usage message

Compiler Behaviour:

-i Turn indentation off [default on].

-c Encrypt VEX output

-w wlist Ingore warnings listed as a comma separated list with no

spaces in between. i.e. "-w 2001,2003"

-W Full warnings -- show all warnings



-Dname Define name with value "def" as if by a #define. If

no =def is given, the name is defined with a value 1.

-Idir Add directory specified to the include search path.


-E Dump output from VCPP w/o parsing.

-r Do not treat VEX OP parameters as reserved words.

-R Treat VEX OP parameters as reserved words (default).

-X ctx Print out global variables and function signatures for

a given context. The contexts may be one of:

image3d, chop, cop, pop, sop, cvex,

surface, displace, fog, light, shadow or photon

Compiler I/O:

-o file Specifies an alternate output filename.

If "-o stdout" is specified, the output will be sent

to stdout. The "-o stdout" option should not be used

in conjunction with the -u or -p options.

-e file Specify an output file for error messages.

-q Quiet operation (suppress messages).

-Q Very quiet operator (suppress warnings/messages).

Dialog Script:

-G Use simplified parameter grouping mechanism.

-g nparm Break parameters into groups of nparm parameters.

-l file Create an operator type definition file for the operator.

-L file Specifies an operator type library file that the operator

definition should be added to. If not specified, the

type definition file is also used as the library file.

-n name The name of the operator.

-N label The label of the operator.

-S shader The name of the shader file renderers should look for.

-C icon With the -l option, the icon for the operator.

-t minin With the -l option, the minimum inputs for the operator.

-T maxin With the -l option, the maximum inputs for the operator.

-m Create an operator type definition for the VOP operator.

The name of the definition file must be specified.

-M Specifies an operator type library file that the VOP

definition should be added to. If not specified, the

type definition file is also used as the library file.

-b Create backup copies of operator type library files.

-p Create a dialog script to define a VOP Operator equivalent

to the operation defined by the source file.

-P Create only the VOP Operator -- no VEX code is generated.

-u Create associated UI dialog script file.

-U Create only the UI file -- no VEX code is generated.

create associated .ds files for them. No compiling is

actually performed with this option.

Warning: #pragma statements are not saved in VEX object

code, so UI hints in the source are lost.

-x Force generation of a compiled .vex file. The generation of

this file may be disabled if the -l or -m options are used.

input_file Specifies the input filename. If this parameter is

omitted, input will be read from stdin.

The output filename can be specified with or without the .vex

extension. The correct extension will be appended to the filename.

Usage: vcc [Options] [input_file]





-h Shows this usage message

Compiler Behaviour:

-i Turn indentation off [default on].

-c Encrypt VEX output

-w wlist Ingore warnings listed as a comma separated list with no

spaces in between. i.e. "-w 2001,2003"

-W Full warnings -- show all warnings



-Dname Define name with value "def" as if by a #define. If

no =def is given, the name is defined with a value 1.

-Idir Add directory specified to the include search path.


-E Dump output from VCPP w/o parsing.

-r Do not treat VEX OP parameters as reserved words.

-R Treat VEX OP parameters as reserved words (default).

-X ctx Print out global variables and function signatures for

a given context. The contexts may be one of:

image3d, chop, cop, pop, sop, cvex,

surface, displace, fog, light, shadow or photon

Compiler I/O:

-o file Specifies an alternate output filename.

If "-o stdout" is specified, the output will be sent

to stdout. The "-o stdout" option should not be used

in conjunction with the -u or -p options.

-e file Specify an output file for error messages.

-q Quiet operation (suppress messages).

-Q Very quiet operator (suppress warnings/messages).

Dialog Script:

-G Use simplified parameter grouping mechanism.

-g nparm Break parameters into groups of nparm parameters.

-l file Create an operator type definition file for the operator.

-L file Specifies an operator type library file that the operator

definition should be added to. If not specified, the

type definition file is also used as the library file.

-n name The name of the operator.

-N label The label of the operator.

-S shader The name of the shader file renderers should look for.

-C icon With the -l option, the icon for the operator.

-t minin With the -l option, the minimum inputs for the operator.

-T maxin With the -l option, the maximum inputs for the operator.

-m Create an operator type definition for the VOP operator.

The name of the definition file must be specified.

-M Specifies an operator type library file that the VOP

definition should be added to. If not specified, the

type definition file is also used as the library file.

-b Create backup copies of operator type library files.

-p Create a dialog script to define a VOP Operator equivalent

to the operation defined by the source file.

-P Create only the VOP Operator -- no VEX code is generated.

-u Create associated UI dialog script file.

-U Create only the UI file -- no VEX code is generated.

create associated .ds files for them. No compiling is

actually performed with this option.

Warning: #pragma statements are not saved in VEX object

code, so UI hints in the source are lost.

-x Force generation of a compiled .vex file. The generation of

this file may be disabled if the -l or -m options are used.

input_file Specifies the input filename. If this parameter is

omitted, input will be read from stdin.

The output filename can be specified with or without the .vex

extension. The correct extension will be appended to the filename."


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