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Roll your own illumination model?


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So I'm trying to apply stuff from these various Renderman books I have to VOPs. Now I've come to the point where I need to create a custom lighting model. anyone have a clue how to do this? I'm running into all sorts of confusion mainly due to the lack of VEX/VOPs documentation.

First thing's first. ambient()... Renderman has this function, VEX has this function, they both do the same thing, there's a description of ambient() in Advanced Renderman and the RI Spec so I know what it does, but I can't find a prototype for it anywhere. I just need to know exactly what's going on inside of ambient() for my own sanity. Is ambient() and other functions outlined with protoypes in the Houdini Docs anywhere? I can't seem to find it. If worse comes to worse, maybe it's in a script or a library somewhere with hopefully some comments and someone can point me to it?

OK, assuming I chose to ignore the man behind the ambient() curtain, and continue, what's the prefered method for creating a lighting model? I'm thinking of using an Inline VOP and just writing the lighting model out in VEX. Would this be a prefered solution? Or is there something I'm missing? There is no VOP that functions as ambient that I have run across, and the Lighting Model VOP doesn't seem to have exactly the model I'm after.

Thanks in advance

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