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selection sets / Quick selection

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I also comming from Maya, so maybe i can help u understand how does it work, i mean groups and why Houdini grouping system is much better than Maya sets :)

In Maya, node objectSet handle indexes of vertices, edges etc, You can select components from set and do what u want to do. This type of set is something like "static set", to add/remove components from set u must use Relationship Editor, or mel scripts. When input geometry changes u must add new components to set manualy.

In Houdini we have something like "dynamic set" - groups. It means that input geometry can changes and our set will be updated. Simple example:

Create grid, box, group geometry sops and connect it like on the image:


Select box1 operator and set size to 4, select group1 operator, change Entity to points and in number sheet turn off 'enable', go to bounding sheet and turn on 'enable', change bouding type to Bouding Object. Click midle mouse button on group1 operator, there is information about your set - gorup1, it contains 16 points(yellow points).


Create mountain operator and connect group1 to mountain1, in parameters set Point Group to group1:


mountain1 works only on Your set(group1). Of course u can change input grid, rows columns etc. and group1 will be updated.

If i said something wrong pleas tell me about it ;)


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