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Volcano smoke

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I have little problems with my volcano smoke. First problem with shader, I use my shader, created from miguel, an try some shader from OD force comunity, but there is some mistake.

Another problem is with sprites,

1, rotation, I need rand rotation on begining and from fast to zero rotation speed based on lifespan. I found some expressions but not exactly what I want.

2, scale. It is possible connect this parameter to ramp base on lifespane, based on lifespan? something like in maya. Just ramp for lifespan with min max parameter like ramp array mapper for start and and size od sprite. I mean add ramp to sprite interface forexample and connect it, without another colour parameter.

I attaching file, please look at it someone, really I need it.

Thanks a lot BC


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so I found that all sprite smoke materials create this warning message. So I create new vop shader, go inside, paste all nodes of older material. Create shop material and all works good. Where is problem? I found that if I have some older smoke material, which I save to my material pallete, select it and choose promote material parameters, all parameters hide. Please, where is the problem?

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I search, try examples and there is my result. But still have some problems.

Rotation: there is some strange things, particles starting rotate fast at the end of lifespane. I' m not good at the expressions, but I need something like this. I' l write it like in maya

Creation expression (for begining of birth), random rotation 360 degrees , runtime expression +/- rotation + same rotation

How could I write it in houdini?


Creation expression: random scale (1, 10) , rutime expression $LIFE + 10

Another problem is with rendering, If I have cca 7 000,- particles, looong time evaluating script, then open Mplay and render is fast, where is problem?it is problem with calculating deep shadows?

Thanks a lot for your support, it is difficult for me to switch from maya, thanks.

there is scene file smoke.rar


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