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How to create channel In CHOPS using expression?

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this is my first post here, although I'm sneaking around for a while.

Usually, I'm able to find all the answers to difficult questions just by using the forum search, but this time no luck.

Simple question:

Similarly to DOP Object activation expression:

$F<5 && $F>15

how can I translate this expression to a CHOP channel? I tried to type this expression in ExpressionCHOP - not working, syntax must be different.

I'm aware that I could keyframe a spare channel and fetch its value to CHOP, but I'm wondering if there's an easier solution.

I got loads of RBD Objects in multiple DOP networks and I want the ability to control their activation from a single place, and also the ability to use DelayCHOP on some of them.

Is using CHOPs a good way to do that at all?



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If you look in the helpcard for the Expression CHOP, you'll note that there's the local variable $I which gives you the current index being evaluated for the CHOP. For default channel ranges, this is roughly the same as $F +/- 1.

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