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Simple displacement question


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I'm quite new to shaders in Houdini, but I've been working on the one in the picture. At the moment it has these islands of displacement, but I'd like to have a different displacement in the regions which are currently flat. I guessing this is quite simple but if someone could give me some tips or a simple example it would be really helpful.



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I'm not a shader person, but how about using that function you are using to displace the mesh, to act as an Alpha channel of sorts, so that above a certain value, allow the islands to show up, but if the function is below a certain function, then smooth step into a different function?


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It's ok I got it sorted, thanks

I'm not a shader person, but how about using that function you are using to displace the mesh, to act as an Alpha channel of sorts, so that above a certain value, allow the islands to show up, but if the function is below a certain function, then smooth step into a different function?


Edited by Michael1
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Sorry for the delay.

(see picture) I took my pattern for the islands which is from a 'splatter' node and after wards had a fit node. I fitted the pattern between 0,1. Then I split this off into two directions, going up I add the aanoise, and going down I adding the veins. Multiplying the values until it looked right.

Then I have add some opacity and had a smaller sphere inside with noise on it.

Hope that helps, just ask if you want to know more.



How did you sort it?

What worked?


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