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how to set the scope of a shelf script.


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I have a script that is doing some simple automation. But I would like this script to be able to work only when I am inside a certain geometry node.

right now I use:


so I can tell the script where to operate. Is there a way of doing this automaticly. Like If I am in the network... any geometry network... and I hit the button on shelf... it works.

Right now, if I do not hardcode the scope path... when I execute the script... it thinks that it is at the top level of Houdini. When I list nodes, it lists only OBJ, VEX etc.... nothing related to the actual scope that I am working in.


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You can get the current path from the viewport using the toolutils module:

import toolutils
view = toolutils.sceneViewer()
curpath = view.pwd()

curpath is now a node object for whatever's displaying in the viewport.

You can then check to see if it's a geometry node:

if curpath.childTypeCategory() == hou.sopNodeTypeCategory():
	 print 'yay'

At least I'm pretty sure that'll work.


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