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I'm trying to port some bits of RSL code to VEX, but because I have no experience with Renderman I'd like to ask you guys for some assistance. First of all I'm slightly confused by syntax discrepencies between both languages. What equivalents the following functions have in vex?

output varying color - should it be treated as a vector or float?

normalise(L).nf - not sure what .nf does?

lightsource("coneangle", notUsed) - checks if the light has the given parameter available. Does VEX support that? Is it "simport" function in vex?

Is there any place where I can find out differences between RSL and VEX?

The code I'm working on is the "Point Clouds as Accumulation Buffers" - here's the link if anyone interested.


Has anyone tried to rewrite some of these shaders to VEX?

Thanks for any help.


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A little hard to tell without the context, but here's one possible mapping:

output varying color - should it be treated as a vector or float?

export vector varname <= default;> // used in parameter declaration

normalise(L).nf - not sure what .nf does?

dot(normalize(L),nf) // the dot '.' is the dot product operator in RSL

lightsource("coneangle", notUsed) - checks if the light has the given parameter available. Does VEX support that? Is it "simport" function in vex?

limport("coneangle",notUsed); // limport() imports from light shaders, simport() imports from shadow shaders (see docs)

Is there any place where I can find out differences between RSL and VEX?

Kind'a scattered all over the place. Here are a couple of places:

1) odWiki has some info here.

2) And then there is the $HH/vex/include/prman.h file (part of the Houdini installation) which has some more mappings.

The code I'm working on is the "Point Clouds as Accumulation Buffers" - here's the link if anyone interested.


Has anyone tried to rewrite some of these shaders to VEX?

Not I; sorry.

Good luck!

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