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rbd fracture to liquids

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I was playing around and trying to get this fracture rbd object to turn to liquid, I found an old post that helped me a little: : http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?showto...l=squishy+fluid

This is what I have managed so far, I'm new to liquids so its not great.

I was hoping someone could have a look and help out on two things.

Firstly when it converts into a liquid it sort of stops mid air and clumps together, losing all movement it seemed to have.

Secondly when I render it out on the really big pieces come out, the rest disapear( I guess they're too small), is there a solution to this or does it all need to be bigger.

Thanks, Mike


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Hi Mike,

To answer your first question, the ExtraData data you created does not contain any values so the particles just birth and stay in place. However, you don't have to create the data because you can query the fractured piece for it's velocity by putting the following in the Initial Velocity parameter of the Particle Fluid Object:

dopoption("../", ch("srcobject"), "Position", "velx")
dopoption("../", ch("srcobject"), "Position", "vely")
dopoption("../", ch("srcobject"), "Position", "velz")

As for your second question, the dopimport1 SOP inside the liquid_surface Object reads only the first particle fluid object but you can get around it with an Object Merge SOP. However, I noticed one of the big fractured pieces does not get converted to particles so I'll leave it for you to figure it out. ;)

I've attached a hip file and did a quick render set up. Please remember to hit the Clear Cache button of the cache1 SOP inside the liquid_surface Object after you make changes to the sim else you'll keep seeing the previous cached version.

Please let me know if you have any questions.




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