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Control particles based on their colour

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I have a surface that is emitting particles, but I would like to be able to control the particle's life and initial velocity etc based on their colour (which is inherited from the surface). I tried to query their colour in the Source POP but it doesn't like that. If you see my file you'll see I have had some success if I have Emission type set to points but thats not really ideal.

Any ideas anyone?



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I have a different question in regards to particles.

I have one group of moving particles and when they come into proximity of static group of particles I want them to stop. At the moment I am doing this by copying spheres onto the static group and then testing for a collision. This seems like a bad way of doing this, is there a sort of 'field' or something I can create around the static group which will stop the particles if then enter this?


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there's quite a few things you could do in that instance.. you could create a bounding box or sphere from the static particles and reference them inside of pops. you could use a limit or softlimit pop. you could copy metaballs and use attractors with negative forces (not recommended). you could create groups based off the interaction between the two sources through a collision pop, limit, soft limit, proximity (radius), or just a standard group pop.. Then use those defined groups to do whatever you'd like: apply drag, reduce velocity, apply speed limit, etc..



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