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RealFlow Changing Point numbers


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Having an issue with a RealFlow simulation, that was imported into Houdini. I have a certain selection of points, that settle in my simulation on the top (I had to manually grab these points). Because RealFlow had to delete a few particles during my sim, the point numbers only stay consistent for maybe 10 frames at a time, but the particle ID stays constant which is what I need.

How can transfer all the particleID's from my selection, back onto the original simulation? I've tried attribute transfer and copy, but that only seems to work with point numbers not ID's. And I've also tried applying an attribute before transferring, but it completely overwrites every point, not just the one's with the ID that I need. Any suggestions would be great.


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This might be sort of what you want.

Not sure though as it's late and this stuff always confuses me a bit :). You have to switch your attribute into a different space, in this example I put it from "$ID attribute" into the $TY, that will work with the attribute transfer sop which is dependent on the position.

Have a look at the file. Got to make sure those points in your group are not deleted throughout the sim.


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This might be sort of what you want.

Not sure though as it's late and this stuff always confuses me a bit :). You have to switch your attribute into a different space, in this example I put it from "$ID attribute" into the $TY, that will work with the attribute transfer sop which is dependent on the position.

Have a look at the file. Got to make sure those points in your group are not deleted throughout the sim.

Thanks man, I'll dig around in here and see what you did. I'm a little worried that some of these points going to the group may get deleted, but I'll give it a try. Thanks again.

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Thanks man, I'll dig around in here and see what you did. I'm a little worried that some of these points going to the group may get deleted, but I'll give it a try. Thanks again.

Thanks for the example, gave me some good ideas. Unfortunately it doesn't work for this because points are being deleted and swapped around through multiple emitters from Realflow.

Would there be a way to write out a custom file, or maybe a python script/node to keep all the ID's in a list and re-apply them that way? What I really need is just a way to convert my point selection, into an ID selection....sounds simple, but I'm stuck on it.

Edited by Overload
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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for the example, gave me some good ideas. Unfortunately it doesn't work for this because points are being deleted and swapped around through multiple emitters from Realflow.

Would there be a way to write out a custom file, or maybe a python script/node to keep all the ID's in a list and re-apply them that way? What I really need is just a way to convert my point selection, into an ID selection....sounds simple, but I'm stuck on it.

i had a similar problem a while back,

in the end we used the uvs to carry the ids across several realflow emitters and then into houdini

this is quite simple in python

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