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i just stumbled on the vop_computeTangents function. Why is it not documented? or am I blind again?

what other precious functions are lurking around here? :blink:


Hey Martin, check out $HFS/houdini/vex/include/voplib.h

Thats where vop_computeTangents and all the other functions used in VOPS are found.


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i used this function in inline code node and it worked. then later I wanted to create a vop node otl and used it there. after finishing (everything worked fine) i deleted the initial inline network and bam the vopnode thows an error and calls the vop computeTangent an undefined instruction turning yellow.

do I have to add something to my vop code? do i have to link the voplib.h?


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i used this function in inline code node and it worked. then later I wanted to create a vop node otl and used it there. after finishing (everything worked fine) i deleted the initial inline network and bam the vopnode thows an error and calls the vop computeTangent an undefined instruction turning yellow.

do I have to add something to my vop code? do i have to link the voplib.h?


You can include voplib.h on the inline VOP if you want. Or, if you created a vex builder type asset you can include the files in the "outer code" section of the code tab in the type properties window. #include <voplib.h>

The Old School blog has a good series of tutorials on making vex builder type hda's if you haven't checked it out yet. Old School Blog

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thanks again


I use it to create tangents for a Normalmapping. See the attached otl

You need a normalmap and a uvprojection to work that's it.

tanU and tanV have to be declared before You can use the function. The result is stored inside them.

there is another interesting function: vop_anisotropic

is there any help about it?


Edited by sanostol
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