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vex glass


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so, i have a particle sim, and then i did a fluid surface. i am rendering the "two" together. I'm going for the look of having the fluid with a particle magic look inside. so i need "refractions/reflections"... for now, i applied a constant shader to my particles. and I applied a vex glass to my fluid. I tweaked the setting to get EXACTLY the look i'm going for. The thing is, I NEED A REFLECTION/REFRACTION pass. And i can't get inside the VEX GLASS to add this. Am I missing something here?

What would be a good solution to do what i'm trying to do?

*i need these passes because i'm actually going to be tweaking the colors/and filtering the look of the PARTICLE MAGIC inside of after effects and then trying to use COMP LAYERS to get that look into the reflection/refraction of the fluid surface

thank u a lot


PS... i've checked a few posts, looks like some that i read were quite old. but that there was some super glass material on the forum but not working in H10? then the next thing i noticed was that vex glass i'm not going to be able to get the passes out? *is that correct*???

and lastly, the suggestion I heard was, use a "new glass shader"

am still curious if i can get the vex glass to get me the layers im needing tho.

thank u


And here is a link to my .mov file, sorry, am having problems uploading on here...


Edited by itriix
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Hi itriix. The VEX Glass shader is a digital asset you can make a copy of and modify. You'll find the shader code under the "Code" tab in the Type Properties window. You only need to add a couple of lines to get a reflection and transmission pass. The variables tsum and rsum are already handling storage of reflected and transmitted color, so all you need to do is export them. To do this, you can add these lines to the parameter declaration part of the shader:

        export vector rsum = { 0, 0, 0 };
        export vector tsum = { 0, 0, 0 }

To avoid declaring the variables twice, you should also remove the line that says:

    vector      rsum, tsum;

Then in your sweet Mantra ROP, you'll just need to add rsum, and tsum as extra image planes.

Good luck dude.

Edited by brianburke
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Okay cool thanks Briane. Also, i've just edited my first post and put up a link to what i'm working on, if you're interested in taking a look at it.



I actually still need to fix a few things, as in, get these spec and reflection passes, so that I can tweak and ae filter the "colored particles" that you are seeing inside of the fluid. I'm going to be making them a "blue energy" color. Second, The effect is going to need to transition FROM the "colored" particles, into the "blue energy particles", and from the "colored particles" into the "fluid"... And so, i'm going to need to save out some kind of $LIFE, information, in order to make that transition some kind of matte, to use in comp, to reveal, the "fluid and blue energy particles", from the colored ones....

I'm a little confused on how to get for example: $LIFE out as some kind of data that i can use as a matte for "revealing" the fluid/blue energy after a given life span. thoughts

Edited by itriix
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