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A Fast Ready to use solution for SSS

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Hi Folks,

I came from Maya so please excuse me for asking stupid questions.

Could you please help me finding a nice, simple sss shader? I know how to code in rsl and vex a little but I believe a working example would help me a lot in understanding the basics of houdini.

I really need this help because I've started a project and done many of modeling and dynamics in houdini, now in render, I couldn't find any working sss shader and the project deadline is up.

Thanks in advanced.

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Hi Folks,

I came from Maya so please excuse me for asking stupid questions.

Could you please help me finding a nice, simple sss shader? I know how to code in rsl and vex a little but I believe a working example would help me a lot in understanding the basics of houdini.

I really need this help because I've started a project and done many of modeling and dynamics in houdini, now in render, I couldn't find any working sss shader and the project deadline is up.

Thanks in advanced.

Hi Farsheed,

There's a very nice SSS shader in the Material Gallery called Skin. I believe you can tune it to behave how you wish even if you're not rendering Skin. The only requirement is a special point cloud generated with the SSS Scatter SOP. Check the docs as I'm pretty sure it's all covered there.

Otherwise Serg has an excellent SSS shader on the Houdini Exchange.

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I tried to find out the problem but I couldn't. This is my scene file that I want to add SSS to it.

Could you please modify for me. contains a sphere and a light.

Thanks you in advanced.

I've attached your HIP with some modifications.

Both the SSS Skin and Wax shaders require you to generate a pointcloud. The SSS Scatter SOP I added to your geometry network is used for this purpose. Also notice I reference the pointcloud inside the shader so make sure it knows where to find it.


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Ok, After some tests, now I come up with this question: :blink:

We did the point cloud calculation in sop level, what if I want it in rop level? Because I want to add some displacements and we can't catch them in sops.

Really thanks. :D

Displacements aren't really supported with this type of SSS according to the docs. http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini10.0/gallery/shop/material/skinSSS

Check out the Houdini Exchange for AXIS SSS V2.

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