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Paid HD apprentice won't render bigger than 640 x 480


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I have paid for the houdini apprentice license and am using my email and password when I start houdini and it is showing on the bottom as "HD Apprentice" yet no matter what resolution I specify it comes out as 640 x 480... the houdini logo is not showing on the render (like in the free version) so it seems part of the license is working but this is really bothering me that I can't go bigger than 640 x 480.

I am wondering if anyone else has had the same issue.. I am rather concerned about this since sidefx says they don't offer support for HD apprentice and I think people should at least be aware of this potential issue as there was basically no reason to pay for the license if I can't go bigger than that size.. I am using build 255 Apprentice version 10 on Windows 64 bit.

I would appreciate if anyone has any ideas on this to hear from you.

Edited by rd1010
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Hi rd,

You may not have a personal support from SideFX but you can still use their forum. I'm sure they can help you in regard of licenses issues, even if it was only an Apprentice license.


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Could you get the latest build (10.0.374) and see if you have the same issue (maybe some odd bug has since been fixed)? Your HD license will work on the new builds so no harm there. And if I may ask, how exactly are you rendering the image and selecting the resolution? Have you gone to your camera options and change the resolution under the View tab? Have you laid down a new Mantra node and under Properties > Output and changed the resolution there by checking the "override camera resolution" flag to see if that works? I know these questions might be insulting but we should explore all possibilities.

Edited by geneome
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Could you get the latest build (10.0.374) and see if you have the same issue (maybe some odd bug has since been fixed)? Your HD license will work on the new builds so no harm there. And if I may ask, how exactly are you rendering the image and selecting the resolution? Have you gone to your camera options and change the resolution under the View tab? Have you laid down a new Mantra node and under Properties > Output and changed the resolution there by checking the "override camera resolution" flag to see if that works? I know these questions might be insulting but we should explore all possibilities.

Thanks for the input.. its not insulting at all what you asked.. I'm still pretty new to houdini, actually I didn't change the setting under the camera.. I didn't realize I had to do that :unsure: but I had changed it under the mantra render node, although I think I was doing an override.. I'll try it again and see if it works

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Yep it was the camera thing... didn't realize that at all so this was entirely my fault.. thanks for the help on this and sorry for the wast of time.

Fantastic! Glad it was something easily fixed. Not a waste a time at all since I'm sure other users will run into the same thing. Now they can find the answer here :)

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