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Using one of the premade materials within a layered surface?


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I am using transparency maps and would like to be able to use the pre-made materials (chrome, glass, glow, etc) within a layered material so that I can use the transparency map over it.. I can't see a way to do this from what I have gathered so far, I would appreciate if anyone can offer any insight into this.

EDIT: I just found the merge co-shader so I think this is it..

Edited by rd1010
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It doesn't seem to be working for what I am using it for.. to apply the transparency map to the other shader..... so if anyone has any advice on this I'd appreciate your input. I don't really understand how to use the co-shader as my initial attempts to use it don't seem to be going to way I predicted.. if anyone has experience with the co-shader in general please post too... it doesn't seem to be mentioned at all in houdini's help files.

To find the merge co-shader dive into a material SOP and tab < merge co-shader

I'm using version 10, build 295.

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I see now that the co-shader is for renderman... so it wouldn't work with mantra then...

EDIT: On further inspection I think I can use the super material to accomplish what I am trying to do as it supports every type of map so I'll just have to recreate the material I want in there.... does anyone know of a way that you can copy the specs from an existing material (for example, chrome) into a supermaterial shader so you don't have to build it from scratch?

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last time i checked supermaterial was non editable (at VEX level)..so your best bet is to edit the parameters at the SHOP level...

if you want to use a specific pre built shader (for instance chrome as you said) you could edit it at VEX level and make modifications to it..its quicker than building a shader from scratch and much easier.

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Thank you for your response... you are definitely right about VEX now that I have looked at it that way.. I need to be doing things at the VEX level but had been fumbling around within the SHOP SOPs... I see now how to do the things I am trying to do.

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