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HOT scale questions


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Hi all.

What effect would changing the scale from meters to feet have on the simulation?

How hard would it be to add the option to choose units to a future version?

Frequently we have to work in differant units to fit things or work with simulation data that we have coming from other sources.

I have one project I'm trying to use this for that would like to work in feet and I'd rather not convert everything in that world.

Trying to get waves of a certain look and height to evolve like they did when the world was meters.

Hope that made some sense...


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Hi Maddabbo,

The effect of changing the units will mean that the waves move in a non-physical manner, the speed and sizes of the waves are generated by a heuristic formula that attempts to match the statistical distribution of real waves.

For the Ocean SOP the easiest way is probably to prescale the geometry using a Transform SOP and then postscale it back afterwards. For the VOP you could scale your input coordinates into meters then post scale the output displacement from meters back into your units for application to the input geometry. BTW I haven't used DOPS much, how is this sort of thing handled in the rest of houdini ? I remember hating Studio Max's units system which always seemed to have subtle problems if you weren't using the default system. I always work in meters, then again I'm Australian and we changed to the metric units in 1970.


Hi all.

What effect would changing the scale from meters to feet have on the simulation?

How hard would it be to add the option to choose units to a future version?

Frequently we have to work in differant units to fit things or work with simulation data that we have coming from other sources.

I have one project I'm trying to use this for that would like to work in feet and I'd rather not convert everything in that world.

Trying to get waves of a certain look and height to evolve like they did when the world was meters.

Hope that made some sense...


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Houdini allows you to set the units you are working with so I'm sure that passes into DOPS just like it passed into pops and the rest of houdini.

I have to use the displacement shader to render this as my ocean is HUGE so I'm repeating a 5000 meter ocean many times to the horizon. It actually looks great you can't see the repeating pattern and from 25,000 feet the detail is very good.

I too am new to VOPS and DOPS. I'm pretty good with CHOPS, POPS, and SOPS I haven't messed around with VEX VOPS or DOPS much yet.

It seems like the VOP Ocean does what the Ocean SOP does but allows you to tweak it or use the calculations for nice extras.

I need to modify the scale to the ocean displace shader? Is that possible?

You said "I remember hating Studio Max's units system which always seemed to have subtle problems if you weren't using the default system. "

That seems to be my case with the ocean now. How hard is it not to have a modfiable scale? It's just a multiplier on the internals? One extra input that let's you pick your worlds scale. That's how houdini works. In the meantime would it be possible to scale the displacement shaders results?

I'm pretty sure it's possible. I just don't know how to start to go about it.



Hi Maddabbo,

The effect of changing the units will mean that the waves move in a non-physical manner, the speed and sizes of the waves are generated by a heuristic formula that attempts to match the statistical distribution of real waves.

For the Ocean SOP the easiest way is probably to prescale the geometry using a Transform SOP and then postscale it back afterwards. For the VOP you could scale your input coordinates into meters then post scale the output displacement from meters back into your units for application to the input geometry. BTW I haven't used DOPS much, how is this sort of thing handled in the rest of houdini ? I remember hating Studio Max's units system which always seemed to have subtle problems if you weren't using the default system. I always work in meters, then again I'm Australian and we changed to the metric units in 1970.


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