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Found 3 results

  1. Houdini community, Hoping to get some advice with something that has me stumped. I've attached a hip file to demonstrate the situation. I'm attempting to create a controlled shatter on a moving object using the Bullet_Solver sop. I've gotten as far as animating my pieces to be active or inactive so they release from the animated object as required, collide, etc. My big issue is how to make use of constraints here. I want to have glue constraints keeping things sticking together in a more interesting way but I can't seem to get them to do anything. Should the constraints themselves be moving or static? Does that matter? Should I create them a different way? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. moving_constraints.hip
  2. I have a constraint network built with a connectadjacentpieces sop from multiple geometries. Each geometry part has a name with its own naming scheme(Apieces_000, Bpieces_000, etc.). every primitive in the constraint network has two points each with a name attribute that matches a packed prim with the same name. some of the primitives have points with names from the same geo. These have similar names. pt0 name=Apieces_000 pt1 name=Apieces_001 some of the primitives have points with names from the different geo And have name attributes with different naming schemes. I want to remove the primitives from the constraint network whose points have name attributes from the same scheme by comparing the first character in the name and removing the prim if they are the same. here's what i have but it'n not working correctly and i don't quite understand the code i've written. string name0; string name1; i[]@primPts = primpoints(0,@primnum); foreach(int i; @primPts){ name0 = point(0,"name",i-1); name1 = point(0,"name",i); if( name0[0] == name1[0] ){ removeprim(0,@ptnum,1); } } allow me to try and explain. primpoints stores both points from each prim in the primPts array. then it loops through the points and assigns the name attribute of each point to a variable. so far so good i think. then it compares the first letter of each sting var and if they are the same i want to remove the prim to which the points belong. however this does not happen. If someone could point out where I've gone wrong or show me a better way to do this. I would be grateful. Thanks
  3. I am trying to create a simple scene where balloons are tied together to an object using wires.(like in the movie “UP”).. Im having balloons as packed RBD object and the parent point(where balloons are tied) as a separate rbd object. and having wires also into the DOPnetwork as wire object.. Initially I dint simulate the wires but used the wire lines as a constriant network from SOP and made a spring constraint between balloons and parent using the wires as a constraint net, And It worked Perfectly. Now I am turning the wires into wire object and trying to constraint the top of the wire to the balloons and bottom to the parent object, I am having matching @anchor_ids on wires and balloons.. But It doesnt work properly. If someone can explain how to constraint wires with rbd , It will be very helpfull for me.. And if someone already have a scene file for related to this please share it , Thanks a lot in advance..
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