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Just a couple of questions.

Is filterwidth a value in pixels? I've looked through all sorts of books and notes and can't find the answer to this. I assume it's pixels, but I want to be sure.

Also, I've seen shaders that let you set filterwidth in S and T individually, however in VOPs in the Texture and Displacement Map VOPs, filterwidth is single a float. How is it possible to do seperate filterwidths in S and T in VOPs?

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without going in to too much detail, filterwidth just calculates the potential changes in the s and t direction using derivatives. Representing a micropolygon or pixel. There is a detailed explanation in Advanced Renderman, and as far as I know it works the same way in VEX/VOP's.

Hope this helps and I understood your question correctly.

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Yes it is posible.

Tools -> Operator Type Manager

Find standart Vop/texture operator

RMB on it -> Copy

Operator Name: mytexture

Operator Label: My Texture

Save To Library: $HOME/houdini 6.1/otls/OPcustom.otl


Now find just copied "Vop/mytexture" operator

RMB on it -> Edit contents

Replace Dialog script (see atachment)

Click Accept...enjoy...but remember!!! ONLY RAT textures valid for filtering.


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