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Delete SOP problem


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<Win2K, Houdini 5.5.52>

I'm doing the Contrail Tutoril from Techimage and I'm running into a problem:

in part 1 (pg13) points are selected and grouped to act as emission points, then a facet is applied to make sure there are no shared points

the network branches here:

a ) a circle is copied to the points to give a larger surface to emit smoke from

b ) points are deleted, leaving only one, to be brought into CHOPs

but this is where things don't work as in the tutorial...

in the 'b' branch of the network a 'delete' is appended to the 'facet' with the emission_group in 'Group' and Delete Non-Selected for 'Operation' > this works fine, leaving 77 points [0] > [76].

a second 'delete' is appended with the following options:

group: n/a

operation: delete selected

Number is enabled

Delete By Range : Start = 1, End = $N

this is supposed to delete all the points except for point[0]

but it doesn't, it does nothing.

I've tried to play around with some of the options but it hasn't done any good...

Setting Start to 0 and End to $N deletes the last point ( point[76] in this case )

Using 'Delete Non-Selected' with Start=0 and End=$N does nothing

Using 'Delete Non-Selected' with Start=1 and End=$N deletes the last point ( point[76] in this case )

using emission_group in 'Group' deletes all the points

so is it me?, Houdini 5.5.52? the weather? ;)

has anyone else tried this tutorial?

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