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Meshing point cloud

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Hey Everyone!

I was wondering if there are other ways to mesh point clouds in Houdini. I've tried meshing point cloud with metaballs and the results was very blobby, not as smooth as I was expecting. Although, pointCloudIso was not working at all. I would appreciate your help in advance.


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Yes, the N were missing for PointCloudIso Sop, but even after normalizing I was still getting a blobby surface.

I am actually working with an imported pcould in Houdini, and for some reason the ParticleFluidSurface SOP wasn't meshing the pcould and wasn't even getting an error either.

Wow, that script seems to adds up a smooth triangulated skin over the Pcloud, thank you! I am looking deep into it. That actually seem to be the best solution by far.

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I actually haven't tried VDB SOP yet, I read about it a bit and hear it is fast. I'm still using H12.1 though, but I just noticed there is a VDB toolkit out there for 12.1, which is a good news. But so far the particleFluidSurface Sop is doing the trick, slow, but doing the job :)

I couldn't find some documentation based on VDB SOP, by any chance is there any link out there I can look at?

and thanks for the tip!

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