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join multiprim geo/curve into single prim

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As I was not completly sure of what you wanted as result here are 2 things you can try.
First you could change your first addvertex from addvertex(0, new_prim, @ptnum); to addvertex(0, new_prim, new_pt-1);
and change the start value of i to 1.

 This will create a new primitive with the newly created point and the previous created point instead always using the same starting point.

A second option is to change the order of your vex to this.

int new_prim = addprim(0, "polyline");
addvertex(0, new_prim, 0);
for(int i=1; i<5; i++){
    vector newP = @P + {1,1,0}*i;
    int new_pt   = addpoint(0, newP);
    addvertex(0, new_prim, new_pt);

This will create a single curve containing all points from 0 to 5.
Hope one of these if what you're looking for.

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... i can't modify the algorhitm at this time, i will need a "post" solution. 

so maurits's option are not an option unluckily.

mestela's technique is nice but it doesn't support the branched structure, for what i experienced.


i'd like to have one prim for each primchunk ( = my id attribute in the example file).

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I found the piece of code that i was looking for to modify the algorithm in the creation stage.
I asked for a "post" solution at first because i knew some side fx would come along, but now i got everything under control.

My code generates one prim at each iteration, the advantage of this approach is that i can separate the various branches in chunks
after the creation stage. That's what i do using a FuseSOP set to Unique, acting only on a group of points ("primchunk_node" group).
This primchunks are used later for the "flip/unfold effect".

F1 code is much better optimized since it creates only one primitive per branch. But in this way i can't separate them afterwards, or at least
not with the FuseSOP/Unique approach. I modified the code to create one prim also for each primchunk_node. The only downside is that
while tweaking the unfold effect, if i want to change the primchunk distribution i have to re-run the solver.

Thanks for helping once again!



    ///Original - Primchunk selection after solver			
    int new_pt   = addpoint(0, newP);
    int new_prim = addprim(0, "polyline");
    addvertex(0, new_prim, @ptnum);
    addvertex(0, new_prim, new_pt);
    ///F1's - Primchunk selection in solver	

    int new_pt   = addpoint(0, newP);

    if (neighbourcount(0, @ptnum) == 1 && !@group_primchunk_node )
        // Add new point to existing polyline.
        int new_prim = pointprims(0, @ptnum)[0];
        addvertex(0, new_prim, @ptnum);//addded
        addvertex(0, new_prim, new_pt);
        // Create new generation. Seed case + branching nodes + primchunk nodes
        int new_prim = addprim(0, "polyline");
        addvertex(0, new_prim, @ptnum);
        addvertex(0, new_prim, new_pt);

        int old_prim = pointprims(0, @ptnum)[0];
        int new_branch = prim(0, "branch", old_prim) + 1;
        setprimattrib(0, "branch", new_prim, new_branch);



Attached you find the project im working on,
I started from a already done space colonization algorithm. I customized it and
worked mainly on the post solver effects to randomize growth speed and other attributes,
and on the unfold effect.

I will publish a cleaner network, when ill be done!
If you have any question feel free to ask


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ok i found that using PolyCut instead of the Fuse/unique solved the problem. So F1 code + separation post solver. :)

Convert line doesn't keep attributes, but is definitely useful in other situation.

thanks again


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  • 1 year later...

Hi F1!

I am back on this :)

How should I modify the above code to create only one single primitive?

At the moment is creating one new primitive each time there is a branching. Is it possible to just keep adding the points to the first created primitive?


I have tried to modify the conditions, addprim or primpoint function but didn't find a solution.

Thanks in advance

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