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Transfer parmTuples?


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Hi All,

I am looking for a python way to transfer existing rotation tuples in one node into a new folder in the parameter interface of another node. In this case I have a FBX subnet with null controls inside. The only way I can leverage the Pose Library is if the rotation values for every null in the subnet are "promoted" up to the subnet level (the Pose Library can not see inside the subnet, only the top level)

I am looking for a way to programmatically create this connection between the two nodes as shown manually in the animated GIF.

I have some code that creates a new parameter on a node but I am not sure how to transfer an existing parameter.

original_rx = hou.FloatParmTemplate( "original_rx", "Original RX", 1, default_value=([n.parm("rx").eval()]))
n.addSpareParmTuple(original_rx, in_folder=(["Transform"]), create_missing_folders=True)

Looking for code to do this...


Edited by Atom
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Thank you for the reply, that lead me to write a short script to migrate multiple node rotation values within a subnet to the upper level subnet.

# Node names inside the subnet which contain a rotation value.
node_names = ["Neck", "Spine1","etc..."]
def promoteParameters(node_path):
    target_node = hou.node(node_path)
    if target_node != None:
        for i,node_name in enumerate(node_names):
            n = hou.node('%s%s' % (node_path,node_name))
            if n != None:
                target_parm_name = "r_%s" % node_name
                    v = target_node.parm(target_parm_name).eval()
                    should_create = False
                    should_create = True
                if should_create:
                    # Sometimes a FBX will come in with keyframes on fields, remove them.
                    rx = n.parm("rx").eval()
                    ry = n.parm("ry").eval()
                    rz = n.parm("rz").eval()
                    temp_axis = hou.FloatParmTemplate(target_parm_name, "Rotate %s"%node_name, 3, min=0.0, max=360.0, default_value=([rx,ry,rz]))
                    target_node.addSpareParmTuple(temp_axis, in_folder=(["PoseControls"]), create_missing_folders=True)
                    # Set up an expression so the NULL inside the subnet will fetch it's value from the subnet level.
                    # Autoscope these new paramters so the Pose Library will detect them.
                    print "skipping, parameter [%s] already exists." % target_parm_name
                print "[%s%s] not found." % (node_path,node_name)
        print "[%s] node path not found." % node_path
# Call function.


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