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Getting All My Normals To Point Out!


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Been scouring the forum and tweaking but still no joy. I'm modelling a head and discovering the joys of Poly Stitch and Poly Knit. They are so fast :D .

I've joined together some fiddly geometry - a lower face with teeth, tongue and a mouth sock.

Can someone please tell a noob if I can select the whole shebang and get the normals facing the same way? We are talking primitive normals and not point normals, aren't we?



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As Simon said, try the facet SOP orient primitives option.

You can always use the Reverse SOP. Just select the offending polys that remain after the Facet SOP and reverse them that way.

It is for this reason that I always polymodel in shaded wireframe mode now. Not flat wire shade. I can immediately see when a primitive is reversed. Just do the Reverse SOP there and then. Shaded mode evaluates surface normals based on prim direction and renders the polygon either black or with the tell-tale black shaded border. No guessing at all.

I also turn of specular in the display options misc folder.

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I always polymodel in shaded wireframe mode now.


Thanks for the replies chaps,

Old school I take it that you mean smooth wire shaded? Just want to be sure. My old PC really grinds along in VEX shaded mode.

I took your advice and spent an hour or two reversing all the wayward normals and was pleasantly surprised by the way Houdini colours the selected primitives a brighter yellow when adjacent primitives are selected.

The normals of selected primitives change colour as well which was a good UI feedback and I could select polygons by clicking on the normal which let me select 'around corners' where I couldn't see the poly.

It gave me a chance to get used to the brush selection mode but I couldn't figure out how to resize it. :unsure:


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To change the brush radius, there's a parameter called "Radius" at the tool parameters toolbar just on top of the viewer when you're brush selecting. Unfortunately, it's collapsed by default. I always have it open as there are all sorts of things you end up missing otherwise (well, without constantly hitting p in the viewer that is).

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