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H16 Mountain

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well yeah reading the help....I took my chances and decided it was Element Size...

So Element Size....what Element ? What do you immediately think of ?

Frequency, intuitively you think how often, how many times something appears, repeats itself....ie. in a noise/wave pattern...Frequency...it's a no brainer.....

So Noise/Wave => Element Size..could be Amplitude, could be Wavelength...yes you could rule out things with Height already there but I wouldn't think someone sees element Size and says aha.....that's Frequency.....if it is, what's wrong with calling it Frequency ?

(and I guess it's actually the Inverse as Low Element Size = High Frequency)

Edited by Noobini
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True but the argument for renaming it surely is to make Houdini more artistically friendly.  A mountain's element size makes more sense than a mountain's frequency. 

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but Size of the mountain is Scale or could be loosely Height, you see you're making the mistake of reading Size as Mountain size...proving my point that it is NOT intuitive..and yes...why stop there...someone from any other 3D package coming over to Houdini wants to do a Noise...now where is that...noise noise noise....oh it's called Mountain...why ? for the sake of we're 'quirky' ? different ? You can see me trying out Houdini here proving I love it....but Mountain instead of the incredibly intuitive Noise ?

Want to do a quick and dirty sea surface..ok plane, apply Noise to it...you don't intuitively say ...want Sea surface...I know...it's a Mountain !! or you do a pointvop....dive into it...you want turbnoise...you don't ask ...hey...where's my turbMountain ?

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disagree - I'm not confused by it; in the end I've heard this type of argument for years about houdini... whether it was impossibility of understanding the cookieSop as a boolean, that the facetSop node could do normals, that the VOP, SOP, ROP contexts are are archaic and confusing, whether we need many more or less nodes to do efficiently work et al - and it always comes down to projecting one's own ideas of what's possible onto others. Not sure what to make of it really but I don't agree that the squeaky wheel should always get the grease.

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well...as a noob....i read Cookie....intuitvely think of Cookie Cutter, Boolean, it's ok.....Facet......yeah would have something to do with looking smooth or faceted (normals)...got NO arguments there....so I don't think they're confusing...

Blast....I think of explosion, some kickass pyro sim...but it's errrr....'delete'

to delete edge...it's...errrr Dissolve (I could be wrong here, I stress I'm a noob), reading Dissolve you would immediately think 'liquid' instead of deleting an edge....wow...

But hey, I'm sticking with it...it's not gonna deter me from learning.

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cool stuff - others before you have gotten impossibly confused by non-standard terms, but also their education level was quite suspect- they didn't know what a ray was i.e. a line, which means they had no maths geometry education, yet he came out swinging that Houdini needed to be improved :) 

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don't like haters or fanboys....to me if you can make a tool work for you, great...if not find other ways, backdoor, sidedoor, tunnelling...do whatever you can to get it working...if you can't.....move on, it could simply be coz you're crap... not the software...

I'm struggling big time with jumping b/n networks tho like DOPs, CHOPs, etc....send them out, importing them back in...still getting lost very easily...but gotta say with SHOPs gone...I think the new way is good for noobs...

And I still have nightmares from first time looking up Gas.....holy.....how many nodes just for Gas ??? 3dsMax ppl complain how many nodes for MCG (I do abit of MCGs)....sheesh....what are you complaining about, try Gas in Houdini for size :)

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