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Write data to UV space in sops?

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For example, if I have a noise map in sops, its detail will be limited to the number of points/primitives on my model.  However take that same noise map into a shader and it will render with infinite detail as it is now in UV/shader/etc space.  Is there any way to replicate that behavior in sops without increasing point count on my model? Basically writing directly to a UV map like you would do in a 3D painting app for example, but in sops. 

The end goal here- I have been getting into redshift and its great but the procedural textures are almost nonexistent, mantra/vops have tons but they are incompatible with redshift. So ideally I would like to get as much procedural texturing done in sops and read that data into redshift shaders.  Also I know redshift can read in COP data, I wonder if there is some intermediate solution there

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Thanks for the tip, I did get that to work and was able to read my cop network into the shader however...I guess by UV space I meant that the texture data is not resolution dependent on the point density of the mesh, but rather is stored elsewhere, i.e. like UV maps, ptex, camera projections etc.  

Cops do solve the resolution issue and I can bring that color data into the shader at high resolution without changing the point count, however cops (as far as I can tell) are completely UV dependent and so you lose the ability to use world/object space procedural maps that are UV independent. 

So ideally I am looking for a way to avoid UVs completely (unless I need them obviously) and somehow promote point level data to something else that would read in the full resolution of the procedural texture. However I am guessing that is not realy possible without something like a ptex solution built into houdini

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COPs themselves are not UV dependent, I think (though I wish they were in some cases). They are just two dimensional, as well. Shaders work on pixels, so my guess would be texture baking.



Edited by konstantin magnus
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