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Can You Turn Off Otl Embedding For All Users Permanently?


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We very much disklike OTL embedding being that we edit shaders in emacs land and like to compile them ourselves. The problem is that if we ever add a user and they open one of our hip files, suddenly all shaders become embedded and we scratch our heads for days as to why our changes have no effect... then have to jump through hoops to unembed them & maintain their params.

Is there a way to turn off this god forsaken option permanently, for all users, forever?

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Hey Brian,

Yes, you can disable embedding through a file called hopmanager.pref.nosave. The .nosave extension will grey out all the parameters under the Configuration tab of the Operator Type Manager window so no user can change it through Houdini.

If you have HOUDINI_PATH set, you'll want to put the hopmanager.pref.nosave file in the first path else the file goes to $HFS/houdini. You will also want to make sure hopmanager.pref does not exist in the $HOME/houdini8.x directory of each user because this will override the one in $HFS/houdini.

If you have changed the Configuration settings, you should already have a hopmanager.pref file existing so edit the file and make sure the following is set:

SaveToHipFile := 0;

After that, add the .nosave extension to the file & restart Houdini.

If you need more details or have any question, please let me know.



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