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bake vex SOP


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a question, oh my!!! :o

i would like my particles to follow deformations caused by an animated sequence. iam using bake vex SOP to view it in the viewport...is there a way to make the displacement *real* rather than just a representation of the rendered version?

i have tried a few things, which sorta work...but it deffinately isnt very eligant

anyone have some real world uses of this SOP?


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so, if I understand correctly, you're using a sequence of images in a displacement shader?

Well, the most logical answer I can come up with is to convert your displacement shader into a vex sop.

This should be pretty easy, depending on your displacement shader. If you're not too familiar with editing vex code, but would like some pointers, I could go into more detail (if you post the file, I could walk you through it in a post).

The other solution is to build your own vex sop in a vop network, and try to recreate the behavior there.

Hope that helped...

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right on jens, you understood my post ;) this does help put me onto the right track. ill give it a shot tonight, depending on the code involved i may be able to do it. if my attempts fail, youll be the first to know :P.

thanks brudda B)

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