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Particle SOP and Stamp expression help


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Hello !

I have a Point SOP setup with Radial Force to attract particles, this is connected to a Particle SOP and for now im using "$T / 100" in Radial Force on the Point SOP, but I would like it to be based on each particles age.

Seems to me the Particle SOP doesnt output age to use with a stamp expression, so I went with something like stamp("../particle1", "life", 0) but it doesnt work.

In the detail view or the Particle SOP there is Life[0] and Life[1] where 0 seems to be the AGE but I dont know how to setup Life[0] with a stamp function or wheter that would work for increasing the Radial Force per particle based on age?

so..hmm..any ideas ? =)

I've attached the .hipnc file for reference.



Edited by MagnusL3D
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If you put $AGE into your stamp field in the copy SOP it works fine. I've always wondered why it doesn't actually show up anywhere when it actually does exist.


There is no copy node in my scene as far as I know =) Im using the Stamp expression/function/command in the Radial Force of a Point SOP attached to a Particle SOP in it's Force input. And there using stamp("../particle1", "$AGE", 0) or $AGE without " does not work for me.


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I'm pretty sure you need a copy SOP or something like it to use the stamp expression.

I'm not entirely sure how you would do that actually. It's been so long since I've used the particle SOP. In pops it would be much easier... is there a reason you're doing it with a SOP solution?

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