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Sop Field to Drive Particles

Fabiano Berlim

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I was trying to learn a cool effect. Big DOPs pieces of Geo, that genarate a Vector Field to drive particles.

But when i pick up the DOP pieces to another DOP, so I can generate Fields, it complain that it's not a volume. It complains even if a put a isoOffset.

I generate something... but it looks strange.

Hope someone have some free time to help me. But don't worry... it's not urgent. I am just trying to learn.




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Do you need to do it in dops? If you want to do it in dops as the way it is set up, you will need to convert the velocity data of the cracked sphere to volumes, as that is what the sop vector field reads. You actually need to pipe in 3 volumes, one for x, y and z velocity vectors.

The easier way (perhaps) is to include a smoke volume (filled) with your sphere crash simulation. That way, the smoke volume will actually have the velocity vectors created from your sphere crash.

Bake outh the velocity volumes, and use them in your particle sim. I would try POPs first, as there is an advection POP that can use the velocity fields much easier.


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Do you need to do it in dops? If you want to do it in dops as the way it is set up, you will need to convert the velocity data of the cracked sphere to volumes, as that is what the sop vector field reads. You actually need to pipe in 3 volumes, one for x, y and z velocity vectors.

The easier way (perhaps) is to include a smoke volume (filled) with your sphere crash simulation. That way, the smoke volume will actually have the velocity vectors created from your sphere crash.

Bake outh the velocity volumes, and use them in your particle sim. I would try POPs first, as there is an advection POP that can use the velocity fields much easier.


Ok... so how can I convert attributes? What should I use to do it?

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"you will need to convert the velocity data to volumes, as that is what the sop vector field reads. You actually need to pipe in 3 volumes, one for x, y and z velocity vectors."


Ok!!! Thanks a lot GallenWolf. That tip is GREAT!!! I made the field work... So now I can take any sop to generate fields.

Soon I will post more about it.

For now... here's the hip file.


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btw it will not be what you want

you need to change Primitive Numbers parameter of the sopvectorfield1 to 1,2,3 because according to your sop setup 0 is density

and even then the volumes you labeled V.x V.y V.z do not represent velocity of the object, but maybe you created them that way only for testing

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