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quryo last won the day on October 15 2022

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  1. Hello, to be easier on the eyes, I've created a flat dark and light theme, and thought I'd share it... Definitely still work in progress, I've also put it on Github here: https://github.com/mruegenberg/HoudiniFlatThemes To install, just copy the files to `houdiniX.Y/config` folder (create the config one if it doesn't exist), usually located in your home directory. Partially based on some other themes floating around the web (e.g UIDarkFlat.hcs UIDarkFlat_NodeGraph.inc UIDarkFlat_NodeGraphCommon.inc UIFlat_basic_colors.inc UILightFlat.hcs UILightFlat_NodeGraph.inc UILightFlat_NodeGraphCommon.inc
  2. Hello all, I'm working on a fire shot and am looking to get a cellular effect like many actual fires: The results I get from the Pyro solver are more like regular smoke / fluid behavior, ie very streaky and a bit blurry. It seems like the old DSD solver was intended to generate exactly these structures, but I can't get it to work without any example files and would also rather get a similar result in Pyro. (Paper the DSD solver was based on, apparently: http://physbam.stanford.edu/~fedkiw/papers/stanford2007-02.pdf) Is this just a matter of tweaking Shredding and Gas Release to do the right thing? Or increasing the resolution to a very high level? Thank you!
  3. Found this thread looking into a similar problem. In my case, it was due to a Fuse SOP. The solution was to just disable that. UVs in Houdini were there, even after exporting to Alembic and bringing it in again. Maya (2015) gave me the error message the OP had and no UVs on some objects.
  4. Hello, I'm building a tool where I need the global screen position from a local widget position (as I'm using a QCompleter). The usual way to do this seems to be with `QWidget::mapToGlobal`. However, the result seems to be always wrong. I believe this is because there is no full Qt widget hierarchy in the panel. For instance, when printing the `geometry()` QRect of the widget hierarchy of a panel that is on the right side of the screen, I never see the offset on the screen that the panel obviously has: mainWindow = hou.qt.mainWindow() curParent = self.parent() for i in range(0,30): if curParent is None: print("Stopping due to unparented") break if curParent == mainWindow: print("Stopping as main win reached") break print("cur ", i, ": ", str(curParent.geometry()), " mapped ", str(curParent.mapToGlobal(QtCore.QPoint(0,0)))) curParent = curParent.parent() results in ('cur ', 0, ': ', 'PySide.QtCore.QRect(9, 32, 589, 430)', ' mapped ', 'PySide.QtCore.QPoint(9, 32)') ('cur ', 1, ': ', 'PySide.QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 607, 471)', ' mapped ', 'PySide.QtCore.QPoint(0, 0)') ('cur ', 2, ': ', 'PySide.QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 607, 471)', ' mapped ', 'PySide.QtCore.QPoint(0, 0)') Stopping due to unparented This is in Houdini 16.5.439. I'd appreciate any pointers on how to get the Houdini-internal view hierarchy or to get parenting work properly. Cheers
  5. quryo

    gas fog to sdf

    Thank you, that certainly helps, and that's a very nice hipfile!
  6. quryo

    gas fog to sdf

    Hey everybody, I'm wondering if there is a way, in DOPs working on regular volumes, to convert a smoke/density to an SDF, similar to what convert VDB does. I found the Gas SDF to Fog node, but did not see an equivalent in the other direction. The only workaround I found is to copy the density to a new field, negate and slightly offset it and then run gasreinitializesdf on that. Mainly, the goal is to get curvature and gradient near the smoke surface. Thank you!
  7. I had the same problem and found this via Google. This is also just a reply for completeness to make the solution by Carlo above more explicit. Fontconfig had been updated like this according to /var/log/pacman.log: 2.12.6+5+g665584a-1 -> 2.13.0+10+g58f5285-1.1 So I did sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/fontconfig-2.12.6+5+g665584a-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz Then sudo cp /usr/lib/libfontconfig.so.1.10.1 /usr/lib/libfontconfig.so.1.10.1.backup4houdini followed by sudo pacman -S fontconfig This last part is necessary because otherwise you'd need to downgrade all other packages depending on the newer fontconfig as well. Finally, to start Houdini cd /opt/hfs16.5.405 source houdini_setup LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libfontconfig.so.1.10.1.backup4houdini hindie # or houdinifx, depending on which Houdini you have
  8. Thank you, that works the way I want it to if I change the popcollisiondetect to collide with the rbd box (rbdpackedobject1) I still don't understand why the order in the merge node matters, since I assumed that it doesn't when the relationship is set to Mutual.
  9. bullet-pop-mutual.hipncHi, I'm trying to make particles interact with a bullet object, but at the same time the bullet object should influence the particles. This works to some extent using a mutual collide relationship, but it seems that the particles basically have infinite mass, as they just push the bullet objects away. The only information I was able to find on this was about influencing bullet objects with particle forces. Please see the attached file for a small test. Another thing that's weird is that the behavior changes when I switch the input order in my DOP merge node even though the Affector relationship is set to Mutual. thanks qu bullet-pop-mutual.hipnc
  10. Hi, I'm trying to simulate 2 fluids that don't mix, but still interact with each other (similar oil and water). The meshing to some extent works by selecting the particles based on the emitter group (stream_source_surface_from_...) and then ensuring that they don't overlap after converting to a VDB with VDB combine. However, it would be nice to also be able to apply things like surface tension on both fluids separately. I tried my luck with the group field of Gas Surface Tension, but somehow I'm not able to put the two fluids in separate groups. I'm also not sure what the correct group name would be. I also tried using two separate FLIP solvers merged with a Collide relationship, but the two fluids don't actually interact. Thanks
  11. Hey everyone, I'm trying to create an art-directable simulation of drool strands. My idea was to simulate an elastic wire, emit fluid from it and then tie the fluid to the wire. The wire and emission parts work well, but I'm struggling with tying (or attracting) the fluid to the wire. I tried to use the "Attract Fluid" shelf tool, but it is apparently only for non-particle fluids. My next idea is to create a VDB from my wire and, using the gradient, convert that to a force in the right direction, but I'm not sure how to go about adding this to my simulation... I would really appreciate you help. (As you might have guessed, I'm pretty new in Houdini.)
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