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  1. Hi, I have a box with uv on it and bunch of points with different scale attribute on each point. Box size is (1,1,1). After copy to point operation, boxes resizing and uv stretching as expected. My question; is there any way to correct stretched uvs using present scale attribute without running computational heavy operation? adjust_uv_by_scale.hipnc
  2. i have uvs for my geo but there is still space for more. i would like to pack the uvs of a second geo into the existing uvs of the first geo without moving what's already in place. Essentially i want to pack the second geo around the uvs of the first. Makes sense? is this possible?
  3. I am using "Face" to get a uv texture because it works perfectly for my purpose but some of them are rotated. How can I get face uvs aligned with Y axis, vertically oriented?
  4. Hi all I have been working in my project for a few days now but i have just noticed that all new geometry i add, are missing uvs (even if they are new ones) - I am also getting the orange error at the bottom and I have no idea how to fix this? When I open a brand new object everything works fine when i chuck a uv quick shade on but i'd like to be able to understand why it's happening in my current project.
  5. Hey guys I'm trying to reproduce same noise pattern which originally created by blender. In original video(@00:01:40), author used Mapping node to manipulate UVs. In houdini, I tried UV Position VOP node but unfortunately can't get reasonable result. Thanks for any help Cheers NoisePatternTest.hiplc
  6. Hey all, I have some geo based lava where im throwing the @uv through a solver offsetting the v value so it appears to flow. I'm trying to bring this into cinema, but the uv's seem to be static. When I re import the alembic into houdini, everything is animated and working. Anyone ever run into this? @uv is on vertex and shows up in cinema, just not animated. Thanks for any help in advance! untitled.mp4
  7. hello. I created a water mesh based on splines. So the water mesh has a tangent vector. I want to generate uv as a tangent vector. So I want to offset the uv.y values to create the effect of a flowing texture. Is it possible?
  8. Hello, I have a pre-fractured tree and before porting the parts into dop I pack them all. Even though I check on transfer all attributes included UV My UV after getting packed got meshed up I can use an attribute transfer to bring it back but i dont understand the reason why it happened Is there something I overlooked or is it just the way it is? Thank for reading this ASk_PackedObj_UV.hipnc
  9. So im using the uv layout sop to pack my primitives into a boundary, the problem i have is that im using the packing for printing so i need the objects to have no scaling so i set the scale to "Fixed". This was working fine until i was in a rush and now it has broken as you see in the picture i linked (https://imgur.com/a/5zd53vk). Any ideas on how to fix this? Thankyou.
  10. I'm trying to apply this tiger's UV'd texture to fur/hair. I'm going round in circles and sure i'm being stupid, grooming is new to me. Any pointers appreciated:) Rendering w redshift.
  11. Is there a way to relax those overlapping uvs?
  12. Hi guys! I need some help with uv unwrapping. Can someone explain to me how to normalize a UV grid to square: Thank you in advance! Best regard! hair.hipnc
  13. Hello everyone, I'm trying to create a UV layout in which each island has different padding distance, I've tried to inject a randomised point, primitive or vertex attribute into the padding parameter of the UVlayout node but it doesn't work, it says local variable not found. Do I have to create a local variable from the attribute?. thanks for your help.
  14. Hi I am trying to generate uv's on a USD scene, but I don't know how I should approach it. I would like to end up with a USD that is the same as what I started with, but with UV's. I can't wrap my head around, how to work with the geometry, without unpacking the USD to SOP level.
  15. I've laid out UV's procedurally in Houdini with the sweep or skin sop and using arclen on the input curves, but I'm wondering if there is a solution to straighten/unwrap geometry that is generated in ways other that using a sweep or skin SOP. If anyone is familiar with the Unfold Strip from Loop button in 3dsMax's Unwrap UV modifier it basically takes any edge or loop input and straightens out the geometry into a strip. It's super useful for cylinders and chamfered/extruded edges. I'm wondering if there is a workflow to do something similar in Houdini. I tried messing with the new FlattenUV node and I can get something kind of close with the enable loop straightening, but the UV's are still wobbly and not perfectly straight.
  16. Hi all! When I create or download assets for outside set dressing (rocks and stuff) I often wished that Houdini had a decent tri-planar mapping shader. I'm used to it from game engines and it is so convenient not having to create UVs for this type of geo! I like to use volumetric modeling in Houdini for such assets and it can be quite a PITA to create UVs for geometry like that (good UVs that is, that also work in closeups with no seams and no stretching!). With tri-planar mapping you don't need no UVs – just slap the textures on and you're good. Of course it has its limits, but still. So as the built-in tri-planar node in Houdini is quite a pain to use and most of all does not work for normal maps, I decided to create my own. With this Mantra shader I can tri-planar map all needed textures (diffuse, normals, roughness, displacement) at once. And I added a decal mapper as a bonus, to be able to add some details here and there. If anyone's interested, it's free: Description, Download & Video page: https://deepwell.at/pages/triplanar/ [deepwell.at] Direct link to video: https://vimeo.com/637772787 [vimeo.com]
  17. Hey magicians, I'm fighting to get proper UVs to substance, I made a signage with multiple elements, each one got their UVs working. Now I'm trying to export each uv organized and in separated UV islands, tryed uv layout but make's the UVs weird, if I change scale to "Fixed" they look good, but they dont have layout per island in the UV viewport. Any advice will be super helpful Thanks!
  18. i have a problem with UVs , when i export an alembic file with UVs from houdini and open the cache in maya i only get the UVs for the first frame other frames lose the UVs but when i open the same file in blender UVs work just fine
  19. Hi guys/girls, so I built this voronoi scale set-up for a mesh (see attached file) and would like to transfer uvs from the original base mesh to the scales, I've tried several different look-up methods but nothing has worked thus far. I managed to bother Jonah Friedman on linkedIn who did a similar set-up on a chameleon spot for psyop (see video link attached below) and he said that he'd done that in fabric engine and to copy the uvs from the original mesh he did a closest point lookup, but sadly that has not worked thus far for me. The final model will be texture painted in substance painter. Any help from a some uv and texturing wizard would be much appreciated! OH, AND I THINK I HAD SET THE VIEWPORT STATE TO MANUAL REFRESH, JUST IN CASE SOMEONE DIDN'T REALIZE! TRIPS ME UP SOMETIMES. Psyop scale set-up voronoi_scales_RnD_06_odforce.hip
  20. Hi all, I have been researching for this for days and so far haven't found a solution for this question. Maybe someone with more knowledge can point to the right direction. So, I have converted a 3D geo to a 2D version of it using the UV as reference through "@P = @UV". So far, so good. Now I need to perform some simple modeling procedures on the 2D geo like individual face extrusion, bevel etc and then bring the geo back to the original 3D version but with the modifications added. Would someone know how to bring the modified 2D mesh to its 3D format but keeping the mods performed while it was in 2D? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  21. Hello Everybody, I have spend my last week to understand the process of UV's/UDIM, and... check a lot of forum to find a solution to my problem... and nothing. I have a 3D Model of a puppet (3D Sculpting) import in Houdini in different object (Eyes, arms, legs.. etc). Very basic. I grouped each part and merge them. I worked on the UV. Mainly with "UV Flatten" nodes, and some AutoUV. I finish this part (not.. the most accurate work but.. this is for the idea) And i placed a UVLayout. Fixed Scale, UDIM activated. Perfect. But.. One thing i don't understand is.. : How can i say to "UVLayout" node, to make UDIM island for Legs, arms, eyes, etc.. ? 'Cause actually, for example, my UDIM 1001 have a one leg, and one arm. UDIM 1002 have the eyes, and one ear, etc... I tried to play with the Columns or Scale too. So.. i can use this to paint them into substance for example. it works. But once i want to re-import my texture (base color, normal, etc..) into my houdini material node... it's not working the way i want. For sure.. If i import my UDIM1001 in my material node, for the LEG Group, my arms will be affected too. So.. i thought.. If i try to make ONE UDIM ISLAND per Object (Legs, arms, etc) .. I can paint, and re-import my material into houdini, per group, without any problem.. I hope i'm clear. I think i don't use the right way to do this. Here's is my .HIPLC project under if you want to check and if it can help. Thank you! Main_Character.hiplc
  22. Hello, community! Is it possible to stick UV to deforming topology of an object? I have a growing geometry made with solver and vdb advect. Then I convert vdb to polygons and my UV start floating through geometry. Triplanar also fails to fix it. Number of points is changing constantly and I wonder if there is some technique to make them keep the UV?
  23. Hi How can I make UV's follow mesh curves, like the green line, instead of the red...
  24. Is there any "real" attribute in a mesh that defines how vertex UVs are connected together? Or is it only implicit, so if two vertex UVs have the same position, they are considered merged? For contrast, in Maya a UV set is considered its own pseudo mesh, with the same UV point connecting to multiple face vertices, its own distinct topology buffers etc.
  25. Hello all, I’m a relative noob and while this seems like it would be do-able, I have no idea which nodes I would need to invoke. I would like to map a repeating (but not tiled) texture on an object that already has an underlying material / texture. (So for example, knots on a tree trunk, or pimples on a human face.) The way I imagine this might work is that once I’ve used Scatter SOP to scatter some points on my base object, I would somehow translate those point coordinates to UV coordinates (Not sure how to do this). Those UV point coordinates could then be used along with a texture’s 2D matrix to map its pixel data per point (Don’t know how to do this). I would also imagine I could use a pscale value with some randomization to vary the sizing of this repeated texture (again, not sure at all how to approach this). I'd also imagine I'd want to use some kind of multi-layered shader with alphas in order to preserve the base layer material properties. I should note that I’m using Redshift here, as I imagine this might make a difference as it might have a few more limitations compared to native Houdini texture/materials workflows (though maybe not?). Preemptive thanks to any responders! NpF
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