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  1. Cool!!!! I installed six client machines , 4 of them are working now! that two might be account permission issue. ur genius! thank you ! Sebkaine
  2. I did it with ur suggest, but other problem comes out. There are 4 workstation installed HQueue,one is server, 3 of them set to client machine. Client machine options are same,and my Houdini worked with server license. All things looks great,but... the info shows that HQclient cannot connect server on monitor. (ps: only one client machine is working) and also failed my tasks or abandon client. firewall has been closed. shared folder is ok. Client machine settings are correct. client server was stopped and starting with *.bat . how to fix it? thx
  3. Hi Anatolij I`d got the same problem .I import my ass files into houdini with Arnold asstoc node. I saw u has figured it out ,but how?
  4. Hi guys I`m trying to export abc with my custom attribute(string type) from maya to houdini. But the string type attributs are not in channel box. how can I export its? how to keep those attributes stick on the geometry when I export or import it? There are one transform node with lots of shape nodes when I import abc into maya. how can I separate and classify this geo just like I export it before and keep my attributes still in there?(a model with lots of stuffs)
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