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About slayerk

  • Birthday 12/26/1983

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  1. oh, this is aftermath of my deadline customisations. nativly deadline doesn't support minor versions of Houdini like "15.5". only round version numbers supported. I'm edit some deadline config files in (see screenshots) %DEALINE_REPOSITORY%/plugins/Houdini: Houdini.param Houdini.dlinit second file (Houdini.dlinit) you may edit from deadline super user mode. Now i'm use version 7 of dedline and cannot normally tested version 8.
  2. Check this. Upload to orbolt also, but approving procedure spent some time. houdini2deadline_v02.hda
  3. yes, yes you right. I mean I'm lazy and afraid that for each returned value of attribtypeinfo *(multiply) each size of attrib i must write separate if construction in code. :((( I was hoping that there was an easier way.
  4. Wow!!! Thanks!!! More than anything, I'm afraid that for each type of data (returned by tipeinfo() function and each size of it) in Houdini would have to do a separate condition: (( No other, more simpler ways?
  5. you read the code i'm attach above? 6th string is: int atype = attribtype(sample_input, "point", aname); problem is: how to operate and create attributes of type: 3, 4, 5 (int, float, string arrays). code in my function doesn't work. for example in array (type 3): if (atype==3) { int def_value[]; addpointattrib(native_input, aname, def_value); int value[] = point(sample_input, aname, sampled_ptnum); setpointattrib(native_input, aname, native_ptnum, value); }; simply creates int array with 1 element, independent to size of reference attribute array.
  6. How can i import attribute to geoself() geometry from second input of wrangle node if i don't know type of this attribute. I write function: parameters: native_input = 0 (first input of wrangle node) sample_input = 1 (second input of wrangle node) attribs = string like "attrib1 attrib2 attrib3" native_ptnum = number of point in current geometry where i want create attributes like in second input sampled_ptnum = number of point from second input where i want sample attribute. but cannon import any array attributes like "Cd" and etc... This function correctly worked only if attribute is not array (type = 0 or 1 or 2) :((( void sampleattribs(int native_input; int sample_input; string attribs; int native_ptnum; int sampled_ptnum ) { foreach(string aname; split(strip(attribs), " ")) { aname = strip(aname); if ( haspointattrib(sample_input, aname) ) { int atype = attribtype(sample_input, "point", aname); if (atype==0) { addpointattrib(native_input, aname, int(0)); int value = point(sample_input, aname, sampled_ptnum); setpointattrib(native_input, aname, native_ptnum, value); }; if (atype==1) { addpointattrib(native_input, aname, float(0)); float value = point(sample_input, aname, sampled_ptnum); setpointattrib(native_input, aname, native_ptnum, value); }; if (atype==2) { addpointattrib(native_input, aname, ""); string value = point(sample_input, aname, sampled_ptnum); setpointattrib(native_input, aname, native_ptnum, value); }; if (atype==3) { int def_value[]; addpointattrib(native_input, aname, def_value); int value[] = point(sample_input, aname, sampled_ptnum); setpointattrib(native_input, aname, native_ptnum, value); }; if (atype==4) { int size = pointattribsize(sample_input, aname); string typeinfo = attribtypeinfo(sample_input, "point", aname); float def_value[] = {}; for(int i=0; i<size; i++) append(def_value, 0.); addpointattrib(native_input, aname, def_value); setattribtypeinfo(native_input, "point", aname, typeinfo); float value[]; resize(value, size); int success = -1; //value = point(sample_input, aname, sampled_ptnum); //printf("%d\n", sampled_ptnum); //foreach(float v; value) { printf("%f", v); }; setpointattrib(native_input, aname, native_ptnum, value); }; if (atype==5) { string def_value[]={}; addpointattrib(native_input, aname, def_value); string value[] = point(sample_input, aname, sampled_ptnum); setpointattrib(native_input, aname, native_ptnum, value); }; }; }; };
  7. ok. never use it in my practice. In this case you absolutely can determine from which scene you get render )) profit! No problem here
  8. You absolutely right. Saving to another scene is needed to continue working and not affect renderfarm results. Using $HIPNAME in render path is bad idea (I think so).
  9. what you mean "rendered files". maybe post a screenshot?
  10. Not tested. As I remember you must start sim tracker for distributed sims. You Can start It manually. Also You may use Houdini2Deadline in combination with Wedge ROP (to change SLICE Variable).
  11. latest version now will be placed here: http://orbolt.com/asset/_slayerk::houdini2deadline
  12. In standart houdini installation folder in "bin" folder has a "vmantra.exe" (on Windows) file. What it is?
  13. update: 1. New "Engeneering Tab" where you can test some Submitter Functions. And also disabled checkboxes show is deadlinecommand executable correct or not. 2. Add Support to Sending Mantra Jobs. If Mantra ROP in "ROP Path" Parameter setted to export IFD you have possibility to automatically send dependent Mantra job to render that IFD Files ("Automatically Send Mantra Job" Parameter). houdini2deadline_v02.hda
  14. Update: 1. No need to install additional script. now It's incapsulated in otl. 2. If Asset cannot find executable of deadlinecommand.exe it will show a file chooser field called "Deadline Command" on top of parameters (see image below). and you may navigate to correct location of this executable. Also you may set correct value by editing defaults via RMB on asset ->Type Properties->Parameters->deadlineCommand->channels. When this parameter locates to correct executable it will hiding automatically WIP. Any bugs may be present. Need feedback on it. Planned: 1. Resolve dependencies of complex ROP Networks 2. Support for generating IFD and rendering via mantra. 3. Making custom qt widgets for selecting jobs and machines in blacklist/whitelist. houdini2deadline_v01.otl
  15. OMG!!! How easy! I'm had read this page but can't understand. Thank you
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