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csp last won the day on December 23 2014

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  1. SyncNodeVersion seems to do the job and I am using it to change a badge but does not seem to always update, but I guess that’s a different issue.
  2. Hello, is there any way to have a event handler when changing between definitions (versions) of an HDA ?
  3. @satoru your solution is very close the desired result but with more complicated geometry the sorting method based on u is not working unfortunately, you can see that in your example by increasing the count at the scatter.
  4. Hey Romain, I would not assume the point order is always the same, I need something more precrural. I think makes sense to explain the bigger picture here. I have a model with some UVs and I want to remesh it for vellum but the UVs will be destroyed on the seams if I will do it once for the entire geometry. There are technics to improve a lot the UVs but the seams will never be perfect if I don't have the same edges on these areas. So I thought to remesh per UV connectivity in a for loop and transfer there the UVs, which gives me perfect seams of course but I need to fuse all the pieces after the loop and I don't get the same resolution on the seams unfortunately. It is close enough but not exactly. So I have some vex lines to detect if a point at the seams of a pieces does not have a point on the same location in the near by piece and add that point. This thread is regarding my next step to make this new point part of the target prim. Maybe is an overkill and maybe will not be enough but thanks for the hip Tesan.
  5. Hello, lets say I have a prim with 3 points and I want to add an new point on that prim, by splitting one of the 3 edges. I assume that the prim will have to be deleted and drawn again but what I am wondering how to get the correct order with the new point so the prim will close properly.
  6. Hi, I compute the velocity on an animated point and I copy a geometry on it which inherits the velocity but of course is not correct as every point now has the exact same vector. How can I realign the existing velocity in the geometry using vex without having to recompute it? I have attached an example hip. orientvelocity.hipnc
  7. primfind in vex seems to do pretty good job but it will use the bounding box of the filter-geometry and not its actual shape.
  8. Hi there, Lets say we have a bunch of packed primitives scattered in an area on the left side and a on the right side a geometry, like frustum. I want to detect all the packed primitives that even a small portion of their bounding box is intersecting with the geometry. I have one method of doing this but its not ideal, I was wondering if anyone knows an efficient and preferably with vex way to do this. Cheers, C
  9. csp

    Combine VDB vectors

    You are right, you need some editional calculation. I measure the length of vector for each merged vowel and if its higher than 0 then it will be part of the average computation.
  10. csp

    Combine VDB vectors

    That also will not give accurate velocity as not all combined vdbs contributed to every voxel. By using the volumesamplev in a volume wrangler you can get better results.
  11. csp

    Combine VDB vectors

    You gave me a wonderful idea. With a vdbCombine Activity Union I create the combine vdb and with a single volume ranger I loop through all the merged velocities fields in the second input and I store in a array the vector for each field. Finally at the end I do an avg(array) and works!
  12. csp

    Combine VDB vectors

    That's also not a average, the last combined field will override the previous.
  13. csp

    Combine VDB vectors

    Yes it can but then you are limited to 4 inputs.
  14. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows any method to combine velocity vectors of x number of VDBs with an average operation. With VDBCombine SOP either Add or Maximum operation will not give me the correct result because the add will put one vector on top of the other and the maximum will just keep the vector with the greater length. I can produce average using a volume wrangler and the avg() vex function but then I am limited to 4 volumes. cheers, C
  15. csp

    RGB to Kelvin

    Hi, I would like to convert an rgb color value of an attribute at points to temperature (kelvin). I am wondering if anyone is aware of any algorithm related to that. cheers, C
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