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  1. I am running into this issue as well. There has got to be a way to do this without unparenting the window. Anyone?
  2. So I am trying to build my own sop in HDK and have been figuring out how to add node parameters. While I have discovered how to add and read from a ramp, I can't figure out how to give the ramp a default setting. Whenever I place the node for the first time it only has one point that defaults to zero. How could I set it up so that it looks like a standard initialized ramp, with 2 points that range from 0 - 1? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so I figured out all I needed to do was set the default to 2. However I am wondering how to hide the ramp's controls by default. Any ideas?
  3. So this is probably too late for the OP, but here a solution I slapped together that doesn't require calling the "bones from curve" tool. Hope it helps someone. #Bones From Multiple Curves Tool - By 90ender ''' Given a node containing more than one curve, the tool loops over each creating a bone chain that matches it's curvature and position. The tool is still in development and currently does not take user input. ''' #create a normal given two points def normalFromPoints(pfrom = hou.Vector3(3,2,1), pto = hou.Vector3(10,5,2)): x = pto[0] - pfrom[0] y = pto[1] - pfrom[1] z = pto[2] - pfrom[2] return hou.Vector3(x,y,z) # convert a normal to a euler rotation def normalToEuler(nto = hou.Vector3(1,1,0), nfrom = hou.Vector3(0,1,0)): a = nto.normalized() b = nfrom.normalized() matrix = b.matrixToRotateTo(a) euler = matrix.extractRotates('srt','xyz',hou.Vector3(0,0,0)) return euler def buildBone(parent = None, pos = hou.Vector3(0,0,0), rot = hou.Vector3(0,0,0), len = 1.0, name = "chain_bone1", container = None): if container == None: container = hou.node("obj") bone = container.createNode("bone", name) bone.parm("length").set(len) bone.parmTuple("t").set(pos) rot[2] = 0.0 bone.parmTuple("r").set(rot) if parent != None: bone.parm("keeppos").set(1) bone.setFirstInput(parent) bone.parm("keeppos").set(0) bone.moveParmTransformIntoPreTransform() return bone def buildRoot(name = "chain_root", container = None, parent = None): if container == None: container = hou.node("obj") root = container.createNode("null", name) root.parm("keeppos").set(1) root.parm("use_dcolor").set(0) root.parm("geoscale").set(0.5) root.parm("controltype").set(1) root.parm("shadedmode").set(1) if parent != None: root.setFirstInput(parent) return root #build chain of n bones along curve #POSSIBLE TO DO: if curve has length attrib then add bones based on length. def bonesFromCurve(curve = None, segments = 5, container = None): #initialize curve position and variables div = 1.0 / segments u = 0 v = 0 apos = curve.positionAtInterior(u,v) boneDir = hou.Vector3(0,0,-1) #get names rootName = "root1" boneName = "curve_bone1" if curve.geometry().findPrimAttrib("name") != None: name = curve.stringAttribValue("name") rootName = name + "_root1" boneName = name + "_bone1" #build root root = buildRoot(rootName, container) chainpos = root.moveToGoodPosition() parent = root bonesLst = [root] for x in range(0, segments): #get bone start and end positions on curve u += div bpos = curve.positionAtInterior(u,v) len = apos.distanceTo(bpos) #Calculate bone rotation along curve from up vector n = normalFromPoints(apos, bpos) rot = normalToEuler(n, boneDir) #create bones here and orient and parent them bone = buildBone(parent, apos, rot, len, boneName, container) bone.moveToGoodPosition() parent = bone bonesLst.append(bone) #set next position apos = bpos #need to return a bone or list of bones return bonesLst #TO DO: Find out how to put parameters into operation controls toolbar #main() selected = hou.selectedNodes() if len(selected) < 1: hou.ui.displayMessage("No Nodes Selected") else: #get curves from node child = selected[0].displayNode() curves = child.geometry().prims() #TO DO: check if geo is curve #TO DO: User input here. Check if zero input = 10 #create subnet container subnet = hou.node("obj").createNode("subnet", "tree_rig1") subnet.moveToGoodPosition() geoInSubnet = [] #iterate over curves for i in curves: bonesLst = bonesFromCurve(i, input, subnet) #we may need another parm for chain parents print "done!\n"
  4. Here is a post that I found rather helpful. Didn't quite solve my problem though. http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=30215&view=previous&sid=858d4ac5c18195f546cbfac0cf740de4
  5. I have been playing around with FEM objects lately and have learned a lot. One thing that has been puzzling me however is how to rip a FEM object in a more controlled method than the built in fracture option which just looks ugly. I have tried to understand what attributes the solver looks at to decide when to rip a polygon as well as tried to cookie cut the object in a sop solver with no good results. It seems like the solver should be able to support changing geometry somehow since it supports fracturing. I was wonder if anyone had any ideas how to create a slicing effect like this using FEM's? Thanks.
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