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  1. I would say make your own shader using the pyro shader, and your mantra node is rendering everything, so specifiy what you want to render under the objects tab.
  2. You could try making a fluid source and and using that to drive the sourcevolume, I doubt it's getting the data it needs from a connection as is, I'm sure there's a way to do it but that I know of yet. cenamorado_tornadoHelp.hip
  3. You could try applying velocities to the either with vops after the copy, or using the fluid source vel tab.
  4. You could use the 12.5 popnet to do a particle advection or just blast density or any other field and scatter it, and you can always just make an alpha attribute in vops to control it. It's the same thing Taretera did, but just for 12.5 pyro_to_particles.hipnc
  5. Your merge is set to mutal, set to left to right and make sure your static solver is to the left or on top of the stack in the node.
  6. Curious how this particle effect is done, I'm trying to find a way to do this now with volume advection for a phoenix with no luck. Are they using it as a source for points with a shader for the actual animal/ If anyone can give me a example file, insight, or any ideas how its done I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks
  7. Check inside the pyrosolver sim tab, whats your buoyancy lift at and the direction.
  8. You could maybe do something like x - $FF/x For example 100 - $FF/5 Might need to play with some numbers to get the right look.
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