I am currently playing around with using COP together with SOP, and I have run into a little problem.
Here is what I have done:
1. I have scattered points along a surface
2. Then I gave each point an attribute which contains a filename like "flower_1.jpg" and "flower_2.jpg"
3. With a copy SOP I put planes on each point
4. After that I put a material SOP wich overrides the texturepath with the attribute from the point
5. Everything works as it should.
Now I am in need to faking shadows (please do not give me suggestions on other ways to do shadows, we do both know that it isn't really flowers I am working with )
The solution that fits my needs the best is to have a plane, rotated along the surface, with the same texture as the previous one. But this of course needs to be black and a bit faded. I have managed to do this in COP with a hardcoded texturepath, but now we have reached my problem
How do I feed my point attribute with the filepath into my COP-network, and then retrieve the output so that I can use it as a texture?
I have tried to search, but I have had no luck so far.
I am thankfull for everything that can get me in the right direction