Hello all!
I have this problem where my sweep is being flipped on random frames. It seems the points on my animated curve are jumping around in the spreadsheet (but not visibly). The curve is generated from a A-BSeam group from a boolean of a cylinder and a big noised-up box that goes through it. This is then resampled to get a constant pointcount. I'm resampling on every frame so this is the problem I think. The curve then travels upwards. I generate an up-vector with a simple wrangle @up = set(0,1,0); and then feed it into a sweep. The sweep looks fine and works well but on certain frames the whole thing flips and the sweep flickers.
I've made a video to show the problem that you can see here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Ch6K2lNKK5diDRQggiNkFwXTKsC3GCP/view?usp=sharing
Here is the HIP-file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M1WPRLivDL4PzK9v_1I99UOruoVweCVG/view?usp=sharing