This is the reference.
I'm creating a Vellum simulation.
The scarf is released from the neck and flies to cover the camera.
I'm using Custom force setup from another particle aura fx.
It use Curve direction force and Curve suction force.
But the suction force makes scarf gather and twist in the midde of curve.
Before I noticed it, I worked with the following intentions.
I keyframed the Stretch Rest Length to make the scarf spread wide enough to cover the entire camera,
And i also keyframed Bend Stiffness to get rid of the scarf twisting.
Stretch Rest Length makes scarf wider, but there is no spreading force, so there is no dramatic change.
And Bend Stiffess doesn't improve the twist Rather, It makes short wrinkles in the longitudinal direction and long wrinkles in the narrow direction. and this is weird.
I think the fundamental problem is Curve suction force.
But without Curve suction force, you can't make it fly in the right direction of the curve.
How can I make the scarf to be wide and not twisted?