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  1. Hey guys, I hope you are well, could you help me with something? I'm trying to create a fracture of an object with vellum grains, I'm using clusters to create the pieces that I want to break and a mask with mops to trigger the simulation, but I would like to increase the amount of cluster over the simulation time, is it possible with cluster attribute? for example, I would like it to break into large parts first, a few frames ahead, break smaller parts, and then smaller ones, and so on until it turns to dust Thanks a lot if anyone can give me some tips. I added a hipfile here thank you! clusters_v1.hiplc
  2. Hello, I would like to interpolate the points of a flip fluid to test the slow motion. The problem is that the ptnum of each point changes over time. Do you know how to fix this problem? Thank you very much, Brice
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