Please, I just need a couple of pointers
I've been trying to set-up a pyro simulation, have some smoke rise up and collide with an rbdobject.
I've uploaded my hip file and written all my questions and problem explanations in there.
Plus I think that it's much easier to understand if you have my hip file instead of me trying to explain it here in text form. Please take a look at it.
The gist of it is :
The smoke has a temperature field. And I've wanted to lower the temperature field of the smoke that comes in contact with the geometry so I've come up with the idea to give the geometry it's own temperature field and tick the temperature merge option on the pyro solver. In order to create the geometries temperature field I plan to make a volume mask to mask out the smoke's temperature field so that i'm only working with the voxels that make up the geometry and then lower their values, the result will then be the geometries temperature field.
I've listed all the problems and explanations inside the hip file please take a look
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated
Thank you