I set up a scene with crates that I want to get destroyed by a flip sim.
figured out that I had to put a attribwrangle with i@bullet_sleeping = 1; so that RBD stays in place until the FLIP collides.
The problem is now that with a little hit of flip to a group of crate the push activates all of them to break.
I am a noob, but found that there is a threshold to control the amount of impact to activate the RBD. I just dont know which one of these it is and how to apply it to wrangler.
Documentation found here : https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini17.5/nodes/dop/rbdpackedobject.html
Here is the original failed vid: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dl8ze5rv4vf6gse/Test.mp4?dl=0
Here is current failed test vid: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sa4sumxfqpqmdhq/Flud Test2.mp4?dl=0