I'm building a crowd simulation system by creating custom VEX operators being cooked in a SOP simulation.
Along with implementing basic behaviours(arrive,separation,cohesion,alignment,obstacle-avoidance,wander,leader following etc.) by manipulating point positions being accessed from the amazing Houdini point cloud feature, I'm working on a path-following behaviour.
I'd like the user to be able to define his own path, a curve rather(as I'm using a curve to define a path), is there anyway I can make my digital asset user-driven, wherein the user can have an option to simply draw up the curve on the grid?
If I found nothing, I would let the user load up an image file with a path drawn on it, and let that form the path to be followed, but I'd have to somehow scatter points(after tracing it) in such a way that they form path-like connected line-segments(even if they might not be curves, it'll still work if I can simply get to access the points forming the line-segments of the path).
But I'm sure someone can come up with a far better solution than that, really looking forward to it! (It's eating the insides of my brain now!!)