I'm trying to create a custom velocity field for a FLIP tank (so I can "pin" part of it down with 0 velocity, while part of it sims all over the place). I'm following this tutorial:
--but it's from a version or two ago, and when he brings in the volume he created with the velocity attributes into his DOP network, he uses "source volume" and brings in the fields via SOP to DOP bindings (at about 12' into the video).
I've crudely sussed out how to use a Volume VOP in the bit where the volume is created to add noise, but not how I could add the velocity at that level (if in fact that's how it's done).
Following this model:
I have had success--grouping the FLIP particles in a SOP Solver and using a wrangle to set a custom velocity--but to my knowledge doing it that way won't produce a falloff--it's a very clear line in the tank between the 0-velocity particles and the non-custom particles.
Thanks for any help!