Hi guys,
I am working with the Houdini Engine in Unreal and it's a blast - the automation is really great … but I have massive problems with my masks for the landscape material so I decided to post this in the general section, because my problem is Houdini 'internal' based.
I created a material attribute and Unreal get's the information from Houdini where to weight the landscape materials. This works pretty flawless, excpect that's the values are ‘wrong’. When I use these masks it happens almost everytime, thats the mask is not solid and we can see both textures.
For example the whole landscape has a solid basecolor and I add a grass mask on top of it (genereated by slump and renamed after). The problem is, that the mask is almost in the middle grey-area and the grass get tinted by the underlaying rock material.
The solution whould be, setting the mask to 1 with feathering edges. But how?
The question is, how can I change the range of the masks in Houdini to the range I want to (0-1)?
Houdinis masks are not fixed, they float here and there and I can't figure out a solution for this.
I tried to use a VolumeVOP, sample the mask and run it through a power node with a clamp at the end … but somehow the values in unreal are others (the edges are now sharper), but still somewhere around 0.5 - 0.7.
Thanks for your help!