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As I was examining contents of HFS/houdini/vex/... directory I found that many of the VFL files there, don't have corresponding dialog scripts but do have ".vex" files.

Why is that? How do those ".vex" files loaded in to Houdini(if they are being loaded at all)? Should they just be sourced in the textport?Moreover, what is the purpose of ".vex" file?

Another question:

In one of those files(the ones that are without accompanying dialog script) I found a pragma called "toolbox". :blink: ?!!! I can't find any info in documents on such pragma! Is it some sort of a user defined one?

I,ve tried compiling that file and compiler gave me a warning of such nature

Warning(2009) Bad pragma instruction #pragma toolbox org all

Yet another question: :rolleyes:

Many of VEX OPs have these two buttons:

"Edit VEX function" "Reload VEX function"

Does this mean that the operator can be edited,recompiled and loaded again without restarting Houdini?

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Does this mean that the operator can be edited,recompiled and loaded again without restarting Houdini?


the only time you need to restart houdini is when adding or removing a new operator....meaning when you edit the "SOP", "Surfaces", "Displacement"..etc... files. just to acknowledge that the op is there....

After recompiling a vexOP, reload will update the interface with any changes to the .ds file (same as doing a "dsreload" from the textport....), and take the newly comppiled code into account...

and edit...well...it lauches the editor of your choice with the code, loded and ready to get messed up ;)


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As I was examining contents of HFS/houdini/vex/... directory I found that many of the VFL files there, don't have corresponding dialog scripts but do have ".vex" files.

Why is that?  How do those ".vex" files loaded in to Houdini(if they are being loaded at all)? Should they just be sourced in the textport?Moreover, what is the purpose of ".vex" file?

Erm... may I know which files are without corresponding .ds files? I don't see any of them.

If there isn't any corresponding dialog script, then you won't see the shader inside Houdini. No .ds = No shader.

A .vex file is like a C program. You write the code(.vfl), compile it(with vcc) to check for errors etc & then you get the program(.vex). It is used by mantra during render time.

I don't have the best explaination so please go here.

Another question:

     In one of those files(the ones that are without accompanying dialog script) I found a pragma called "toolbox". :blink: ?!!! I can't find any info in documents on such pragma! Is it some sort of a user defined one?

I,ve tried compiling that file and compiler gave me a warning of such nature

Warning(2009) Bad pragma instruction #pragma toolbox org all

You got me there too. May I know which file did you look at? The standard pragmas are listed in the VEX html file.

Yet another question: :rolleyes:

      Many of VEX OPs have these two buttons:

"Edit VEX function"  "Reload VEX function"

Does this mean that the operator can be edited,recompiled and loaded again without restarting Houdini?

Yep. If you click on it, a text editor will launch, depending on which OS you use eg Notepad on Windows. If you have a favourite editor, you can tell Houdini to use it with the EDITOR environment variable.

After you edited the code, recompile it with vcc & click on 'Reload VEX function' to get an update. If you add any new parameters, pragmas etc, you will want to type 'dsreload' in the textport to update the Dialog Script.

I hope the above helps!

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Okay, I don't know where that pragma came from either, however it's nothing fanciful.

Start a Houdini, go to POPs & add a Fireworks or Location POP. Append a Vex POP & click on the '+' button. In the dialog script, click on the drop down button to select Color Wheel. I guess the toolbar pragma allows you to turn parameters on & off? :unsure:

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