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How to snap on one axis only?

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Hi guys,

I really don't get it. How does snapping works in Houdini :rolleyes: ???

(I know how to activate it (in this case vertex snapping) but I don't know how to use it for one axis only.)

Let's say I want to move the black-marked vertex to the same y-position as the red-marked vertices (and x and z, so that it looks even).


In Maya I would click on the y-axis of the black-marked vertex, hit the middle mouse button and move the mouse over one of the red marked vertices. That's it, than the black-marked vertex would be on the same y-position like the other ones. I repeat the step for x and z and I'me done. How to do this in Houdini?

Best regards,


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you can do full snapping from one point to another and then in the edit node make the x and the z in the translate parameter equal to zero again and the first point will get just the y position from the second point , and like that if you want to snapping on the x or on the z position.

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Guest Swann


Why to bother while with this tool you just specify point that you want move/correct and point that is a template and then switch flatten on X and Y and you will get your result. Like in picture above, left side of the picture is with point that is moved to far and to low to the right and right side corrected point. All in one node. You don't have to play with snapping ant then with edit and then maybe with something else.

Edited by SWANN
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Hey Swann,

the first time I tried your script it wasn't working because I didn't recognize the three checkboxes in your script (Flatten X, Flatten Y, Flatten Z).

But now I know how to use it and it's cool - Do you have a commercial version of it?

However, I still hope that SideFX will improve this because the current way to snap really slows down the modeling process.

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Guest Swann

From what I heard if you upload tool to exchange it atomatically became commercial, but I tryed and it didn't changed anything so I put two tools that I downloaded in zip files with examples togetrher. Does anybody know how to change them to commercial versions ? Do I have to write to SideFX ?

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Guest Swann

...the first time I tried your script it wasn't working because I didn't recognize the three checkboxes in your script...

You could always ask :).

BTW: Have you looked at examples zipped together with otl ? You cal level more than one point at once.

Edited by SWANN
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From what I heard if you upload tool to exchange it atomatically became commercial, but I tryed and it didn't changed anything so I put two tools that I downloaded in zip files with examples togetrher. Does anybody know how to change them to commercial versions ? Do I have to write to SideFX ?

Yes, you should log a bug along with the full URL to the HDA asset that was uploaded to the Exchange. Make sure you do a "Show Only This Frame" first in your web browser to get an accurate URL.

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